2024 Theme
Each year we have a camp theme to inspire us all, campers as well as staff. The annual theme is decided every year during the annual conference of the Association of Cedarbrook Camps!
This summer, we will be looking at what it means to be “ANCHORED IN TRUTH.” The culture of the world around us is teaching that truth is relative – each person can have their own basis of truth and it can change with the circumstances. This is not what God’s Word teaches us. God and His Word is the truth that will anchor us and make us secure and safe. The theme verse, Proverbs 30:5, says, “Every word of God proves true; He is a shield to those who take refuge in him.” When we remember that God’s Word is true it is a foundation for our life that will be the anchor/refuge that we need in this world. We are excited that your child will be joining us as we learn how to be “ANCHORED IN TRUTH” in a world that doesn’t understand what truth is and how it gives us a foundation on which we can stand firm.
Our Summer Camp program encourages each camper to:
- develop a personal relationship with God;
- learn to study God’s Word and apply Biblical principles to daily life;
- become more aware of God’s creation and learn how to care for the environment;
- learn new skills, experience achievement and deepen their sense of self-worth and confidence;
- develop leadership ability;
- develop meaningful relationships with other campers and staff and practice Biblical principles of community living;
- learn outdoor skills that will enable them to be comfortable and independent outdoors.
Our Mission
Camp Cedarbrook Texas is a camping ministry dedicated to developing God-centered relationships and equipping individuals for Christ-like service and Christian leadership.