Welcome to a Day of Virtual Camp Cedarbrook

This activity is for you and your family and you are welcome to share the link with friends.  You will walk through a day of camp by working through different puzzles and activities. Each aspect of camp is represented by a question. You’ll need paper and pen for some of the puzzles. It may be helpful to have two internet-connected devices to allow you to look up information while playing the game. Have fun!

Your Virtual Day of Camp Cedarbrook will begin when you press the button below. But first, some tips to make the game fun.


  • Read each question carefully.
  • Type in your answers in the indicated format (letters, numbers, singular, plural).
  • Spelling and capitalization is important. The software will only recognize an answer if it is spelled correctly.
  • Note:  Many phones have an auto-correct feature. We suggest you turn that feature off as it may change your answer and often adds a space at the end of the word, which will result in an incorrect response.
  • Use all available resources (the Internet, Google maps, etc.)
  • Only hit the submit button once.

There are no rules except have fun, and enjoy! 

Press the button below NOW.


[ld_quiz_list course_id=”4206″ lesson_id=”4207″ orderby=”id” order=”DESC” num=”4252″]